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Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
My Boyfriend's Back
My laptop needed some repair work. So I was fortunate enough to still be covered by the manufactured warranty by 8 days. HP kindly took care of me. Their service was wonderful. Dark Brotha kindly mentioned to me that I've been missing from the blogosphere and asked if everything was ok. He is the reason I am writing at this moment, he says I'm behind on my blogging. So now I guess I'm back and I have my boyfriend at my fingertips again - such a wonderful feeling.
Blogging Today
This makes almost a year of blogging. It began as a desire to write and journal everyday into this. Along the way have come interesting people, pictures, events, some pocket change, videos and whatever else this will bring. Everyday, almost typing away sharing things I come across is what keeps me occupied. Living sometimes seems to get the best of me and having this outlet makes life a little easier. I have embrassed this time alone for the year to meditate and look to future for all the beautiful things it has in store for me. It is my effort to look to the future to make this thing called Erika's View work. As for me, the year is almost over. I will back on my grind inside corporate america working a 9 a 5 like everyone else to have a roof over my head, drive a decent car, to be able to take of myself and the family I will have. Maybe some nice vacation getaways will come of it also. Enjoy your day!
Kanye West Blog
Yes, yes, yes. He blogs too. I am a fan, so of course I subscribe to his blog. You can too. Here is the link:
Cool Widgets @ Widgetbox or make your own
Try these widgets or create your own:
The Gap ModelMaker
3D Tetris
Google Site Translator
Super Mario World Revived
wEb mEssAgEs
Easy Comments
Google Map
F.Y.I. Widget - A portable chunk of the web
The Gap ModelMaker
3D Tetris
Google Site Translator
Super Mario World Revived
wEb mEssAgEs
Easy Comments
Google Map
F.Y.I. Widget - A portable chunk of the web
Am I The Only Person Home?
It's Friday night and I am home. WTF! To top it off im watching Nickelodeon. So I suppose I will finish watching tv, surfing the blogosphere and hearing about American Ganster. You know President Bush is here in South Carolina. Black Americans are supposed to be boycotting today. I am waiting to see the results of this effort.
I must say I have been very hesitant with joining a community of other bloggers. I must admit I have come across some very interesting blogs I probably would not have come across other wise. I've already been "deemed worthy" by a blog mate to have a link on his blog. So within the next few weeks I will do the same. If you'd like to be listed among my favorite blog pages shoot me a note.
Problogger vs Copyblogger
Who has better content? Dedicating a page to helpful content on successful blogging is a niche in its self. Personally, I have to say Copyblogger has really opened my mind up to some creative thinking. I've never read anything beneficial from Problogger. Darren's page layout is easy on the eyes. Problogger has a larger scope of readers. I wonder what they gain from reading his posts? I haven't read Copyblogger's background yet.
Aside from that I have just joined MyBlogLog you should too. If you haven't. It really is a network, a social virtual world you should be apart of.
...Still working on my image.
Aside from that I have just joined MyBlogLog you should too. If you haven't. It really is a network, a social virtual world you should be apart of.
...Still working on my image.
How Real Can I Get?
Readers out there I need to know how open and honest I can be with you all. There are alot of subjects out there that go untouched because of reasons that vary. Can share some of these taboo thoughts and subjects with my virtual community?
Be Apart of My Community (Click Here)
Before I head to bed, I want to invite you all to join my virtual community This is the place to socialize and really get to know each other on a very personal level. I have virtually met some very intriguing individuals who I seem to have many things in common with. As the years pass, I'm sure we'll end up at conferences working together. Oh, and guess what? You didn't guess. I did my first podcast today. It was just a dry run. But you'll get to hear my voice soon. I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! I need a t-shirt that says that and then another that says I BLOG! Goodnight on a Friday night. Mybloglog widget will be up soon.
Give me 3 Minutes and I Will Make You A Better Person
People who are sincerely interested in making the world a better place always capture my attention. I gravitate towards those who not only care about themselves but others and the earth we live on. Becoming a better person is something we should all strive towards. Learning ourselves, what we like, what we hate, what makes us smile, what turns us on and how we come across to people who cross our path, takes effort. Are you taking the necessary steps to become a better person? An image is fake. Who we really are will shine for everyone to see. What kills me are people who judge me negatively. Of course I'm sure I do the same. This is the reason for this topic. I strongly believe in self expression, individuality, freedom of speech and women rights. You should also. Try these exercises:
1) The next time you have a conversation with someone, listen.
2) Always, always make eye contact.
3) Never assume.
5) Remember not everyone finds the same things beautiful
6) Feel yourself breathe.
7) Pay attention your body language. It is being read.
8) Recycle. Ask for paper bags instead of plastic.
1) The next time you have a conversation with someone, listen.
2) Always, always make eye contact.
3) Never assume.
5) Remember not everyone finds the same things beautiful
6) Feel yourself breathe.
7) Pay attention your body language. It is being read.
8) Recycle. Ask for paper bags instead of plastic.
The Lazy Woman's Way to Clean Up Her Image
My sister says I should work on cleaning up my image. How do I do that? I only know my thoughts and how I feel. My tiny brain couldn't possibly comprehend accepting something outside of that. Well I will begin here. As business efforts with my business partner increases and our philanthropic efforts expand, and as Erika's View expands life will get hectic but better. So cleaning my image will consist of writing more and exploring new ways to express my feelings in a way that doesn't offend my readers.
Do You Make These Mistakes?

A few things are on my mind right now, maybe I shouldn't call them mistakes. The first is the definition of the word fuck. I used the word and I had a family member really upset me. So as an adult cursing is wrong. Aunt Mary can watch it on TV but if I say it, oh boy, I'm the devil. I The second is that I've been volunteering some of my time within the local school system. I do hope my efforts are being recognized. Nonetheless, I am enjoying it. I feel exhausted from working too hard and not really seeing any financial gain and am ready for a trip, outside of the country. I need to be far, far away.
(Aunt Mary is a made up name, but trust the person is real.)
Blogging vs Money
The Black Girl's Viewpoint is looking at changing it's name to Erika's view. Maybe the title is stiffling the growth of the blog. I really expect to see more from this than what I am. My efforts right now are going into writing more and into different topics. The reality is I want more. The Black Girl's Viewpoint is not getting the attention I want it to have. So creating new blogs ideas is the next step. I have been reading about blogging this entire time. My blogs have made enough money to buy a candy bar. There is no substantial amount of money in blogging for me right now. Maybe that is the value of my blogging. This is evolving I hope into something that will create a source of income for me. I have created blogs at WordPress. One topic is rap music the other is free stuff and I am thinking about one more about my night club experiences. The last one really seems to be the one I think. The problem is clubbing on a regular basis. Fun, huh.
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