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Showing posts with label ovulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ovulation. Show all posts


My Near Death Experience

After my near death experience, I am happy to say I am still alive. Here is the story. I’ve been having really bad pains on the left side of my lower abdomen. They became so bad I decided to take myself to the emergency room. I was thinking, “Oh God, what is wrong with me. I want children. Is there something wrong with my body? What is it?” Yes, I was extremely paranoid. So after waiting and waiting, I was finally seen. I explained the problem and the doctor decided to give me an ultrasound. So we did that. He explained that I had an ovarian tumor. I’m thinking, “Oh Dear Lord, I have cancer. I am only 27. I won’t be able to have children. I’m going to have to have surgery. Get this thing out of me!” Well, needless to say the next day I scheduled an appointment with an OB GYN. I visited them today. He looked at the disk of my ultrasound and said I was fine. I’m ovulating and the pain is something I have to learn to deal with. He did ask if was trying to have children and now is a good time to do it, even though I am in so much pain. I do have a prescribed pain medicine but it still hurts. I am so miserable. I feel like ripping this bad boy out of me. Oh, the doctor said the ‘tumor’ talk is er stuff.

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