The journey to help keep Summerton, South Carolina beautiful has been a sanction in camouflage. Two years ago I wanted to come home, with a plan of having an optimistic impact on the environment and my city. Of course I left behind a sense of security but the Keep Summerton Beautiful Project has extra significance. If I don’t care, who will? That was and still is the question that moves my spirit. Of course during the development of this project, I have received more than I ever estimated. I have met some brilliant people and

bonded closer to those I have already known. It amazes me to see how accommodating citizens if truth be told are. More importantly this city is growing. Since I have been back in Summerton I have been able to start taking yoga classes, I’ve had my first professional massage, eat too much Chinese food, have lunch at the local gourmet shop, get to know all of my community members better and buy daisies from Ms. Ardis just because.
Summerton is a beautiful city and I want it to be even more striking. We still have eye sore spots of neglected areas in the city that need to be addressed. It will take time and effort to accomplish this. More importantly it will take effective planning, team work and dedication to the task at hand. On countless occasions the public asks me if I have obtained a financial compensation to execute this and I say, “Veto”. Of course they wonder why, sometimes I do too. Then those closest to me suggest I join a volunteer organization to help in a needy country or go work for a large corporation to for compensation. My response to those people is simple. This is my life journey and I have been fortunate enough to have the courage and support to follow my passion. Where life takes me from here I only hope it leaves me satisfied at the end of the day.
Of course, our standards for living can always be improved and there are some of us that are more privileged than others. We have the duty to be of assistance. This is just a sm

all gestures but it can create waves of wonderful events. Some other tiny gestures include but are not limited to recycling at home, putting our litter in trash receptacles, and asking for paper bags at the super market instead of plastic bags. If we keep continuing to do these things, these efforts will help increase the scenic value of Summerton for its residents and tourists who come frequently to visit. It will also help relieve some of the pressure from our Public Works Department, who works tirelessly for us and most importantly we will help improve the earth’s standard of living.
The Keep Summerton Beautiful Project will continue to address other environmental issues. If you are interested in lending a helping hand please feel me to contact me at
emivens(at)gmail(dot)com .
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