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Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts


The Breakup

So she rolled up on him a little after 7 a.m. She saw his truck park at a house with pink bicycles in the yard. He said he was going fishing, night fishing. That's a thing Nini didn't know about until she met this man. It was more regular than before it seemed hence the suspicion. She looked through his phone messages again and found a haystack of evidence for divorce if they were married and more importantly his recent location history. 

Nini looked through the dates and times he said was fishing but he wasn't near the river. Instead a few miles away. Almost every night  lately it seemed. 

After reading the messages she had the evidence to prove he was seeing other women. It confirmed her suspicion. Now the breakup. When relationships don't work and it's time make a decision to leave. What makes it less stressful and easier to move on? She thought to herself. Letting and moving on, struggling with emotional turmoil Nini had to do something. She had come to her crossroad. 


The Magnolia Tree Blooms by Erika Mivens

The Magnolia Tree Blooms 

Just lay here with me for a while,
Under the stary night's sky.
Let me love you. 
My thoughts drift me away 
For a little while longer. 
Then I'm back
Here again with you.
Birds are chirping. 
The magnolia tree blooms.
I feel thirsty for more. 

-Erika N. Mivens


The thing that bothered me the most

I wish I knew where this was going. I don't but who does? Forcing myself to write because it's what I want to do. Putting words on paper. Saturday afternoons were busy usually. Still working like any other day during the week. Who wants to think about jobs and working though. At least not on a Saturday. The weather was typical. He laughed to himself. His smile was warm and inviting. His teeth were an envious pearl. He reached for his skully hat. The chilly winter air of NYC was a bit much for his bald head. Jay was meeting him for lunch around the corner.



After a long day at work I'm here but on the phone. More Paw Patrol. more emails more blogging. Writing but really about nothing. It's the rat race you know. Stay focused, I need fleek. ASAP.


Writing Again or Maybe Not

Hello Readers,

I have been not writing at all really. In my mind I keep saying I will start but I never do. All I manage to get out are a few sentences at a time. What could possibly give me the inspiration to write more? I wonder. Right now I am so self conscious of my writing. Aside from all the grammer and spelling errors all the I's. That always bugs me when I'm writing. The number of I's that I use. I, I, I, I.. 


 Erika Mivens


Blogging Today

This makes almost a year of blogging. It began as a desire to write and journal everyday into this. Along the way have come interesting people, pictures, events, some pocket change, videos and whatever else this will bring. Everyday, almost typing away sharing things I come across is what keeps me occupied. Living sometimes seems to get the best of me and having this outlet makes life a little easier. I have embrassed this time alone for the year to meditate and look to future for all the beautiful things it has in store for me. It is my effort to look to the future to make this thing called Erika's View work. As for me, the year is almost over. I will back on my grind inside corporate america working a 9 a 5 like everyone else to have a roof over my head, drive a decent car, to be able to take of myself and the family I will have. Maybe some nice vacation getaways will come of it also. Enjoy your day!



The Reality of Love

My private life is just that. I don't feel like writing about it now. My life partner is my very best friend. We are not married and I want to be but that is life. I don't know. I don't have any children maybe a step-son soon. My home is with him. Of course I daydream about the perfect life but this is my reality. He is good to me. I can complain of course but I refuse.

My family is wonderful. Its full of talent and beauty and realism. We keep it real.

I have been wanting to start a shoe company and begin a career in writing. It is happening slowly but surely.


The Lazy Woman's Way to Clean Up Her Image

My sister says I should work on cleaning up my image. How do I do that? I only know my thoughts and how I feel. My tiny brain couldn't possibly comprehend accepting something outside of that. Well I will begin here. As business efforts with my business partner increases and our philanthropic efforts expand, and as Erika's View expands life will get hectic but better. So cleaning my image will consist of writing more and exploring new ways to express my feelings in a way that doesn't offend my readers.

Erika's View Blog Archive a.k.a Memory Lane