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Showing posts with label women's view. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women's view. Show all posts


Women Are We Settling?

Are we more open to men doing things we don't agree with just to keep the peace? Have we lowered our standards because we don't want to be alone?


The Straight Man -VS- Down Low Epidemic Part 1

Today, I have delegated myself to ask a few questions on behalf of all the women. Men, we want to know how you feel about the "down low brother" epidemic. When answering, consider these questions:

1) Have you ever had thoughts of being with another male?
2) Would you interact sexually with a male for money?
3) Have you ever had intercourse with a male?
4) If you have ever had sexual contact with a male, would you ever tell a woman upon her asking you?
5) Do you have "down low" friends?
6) Why do guys watch porn together?
7) Have you ever been approached by a male?
8) If you had intercourse with another male, only once, does that make you bisexual?

Erika's View Blog Archive a.k.a Memory Lane