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Blogging Today

This makes almost a year of blogging. It began as a desire to write and journal everyday into this. Along the way have come interesting people, pictures, events, some pocket change, videos and whatever else this will bring. Everyday, almost typing away sharing things I come across is what keeps me occupied. Living sometimes seems to get the best of me and having this outlet makes life a little easier. I have embrassed this time alone for the year to meditate and look to future for all the beautiful things it has in store for me. It is my effort to look to the future to make this thing called Erika's View work. As for me, the year is almost over. I will back on my grind inside corporate america working a 9 a 5 like everyone else to have a roof over my head, drive a decent car, to be able to take of myself and the family I will have. Maybe some nice vacation getaways will come of it also. Enjoy your day!



  1. I feel you 100% on this one Erika. Bloggin' has become some of an addiction for me. Between posting on my blog or making my rounds to visit other blogger's blogs, I am just really likin' it. Hey...I met you, and that is special in itself.
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  2. Yes it is an outlet I love marcus. thanks coloredgirls!

  3. I have just discovered blogging and I love it. I do find that I dont have as much time as I would like to do it though. I have a full time job and am a mom to two small girls as well. Maybe you can share with me how you find time to blog and what inspires you personally. Thanks a lot.


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